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Hair Loss

Hair Anatomy

Hair is the most attractive part of the human body, where structure and growth are a fascinating process. Losing hair is a common and natural thing, essentially part of the ordinary cycle. But if it's beyond normal, you may have a medical condition or an unidentified cause that needs to be resolved. Maintaining a fabulous and healthy hair has many aspects; it's much more complex than we think. At first, understand that hair loss is totally normal, but hair loss is a permanent condition in which hair falls more than is apparent. You're going to be alarmed as the scalp doesn't regenerate hair growth that leads to baldness. Before all these factors are known...

Lets study about hair anatomy: We all know that the structure of hair is simple, but do you know? It has significant social functions because hair is made of a tough protein called keratin and its hair follicle anchor each hair into the skin. 

The round bottom hair bulb forms the hair follicle base. Living cells split and develop in the hair bulb to construct the hair shaft. Visible hair is the shaft of the hair. Blood vessels nourish the hair bulb cells and provide nutrients that alter hair development and structure at distinct stages of life. 

People may believe that hair is distinct in each gender, but they did not understand that there is no unique difference between masculine and female hair because of it's type. 

Do you know? 

"A strand of hair is stronger than a copper wire with the same diameter" 

The growth cycle of hair: To recognize and understand many of the problems with the hair, it is very important to understand the hair growth process/phase. 

There are three significant stages in the development cycle. The first stage is called the phase of Anagen, hair develops actively during the phase of Anagen and it can last for years. Hair bulbs grow each month in centimeters until they reach their optimum. During the Catagen phase, the second stage is called Catagen; hair stops growing and separates from its follicle, which is the structure under the skin that holds the hair in place. The stage of Catagen is much shorter and only takes 2 weeks or one month. Also known as the transition stage, the blood supply is separated from the root and stops growing. The third stage is called Telogen, the follicle stays for two or three months during the Telogenic phase, and then the hair falls. In 3 months ' time, the hair will separate naturally from the scalp. The next phase of Anagen starts with a new hair growing in the same follicle. This entire phase of hair growth is a natural cycle in which hair falls after a certain period and then naturally regenerates. 

Complications and its solution: As part of this natural cycle, most people lose 50 or 100 hair per day. When this cycle is disturbed or if a hair follicle is damaged, hair may begin to decrease faster than regeneration, resulting in symptoms such as hair loss, hair drops out in patches or overall dilution. Hair in various individuals grows at various rates; the average per month is around 1⁄2 inch. The pigment cells that produce melanin in the hair follicle produce hair color. Pigment cells die as they age, and the hair becomes gray. 

Types of Hair Loss 

Hair loss can cause great distress, and there are many misconceptions about its causes and treatment.

Probably the most common type of hair loss is the so-called ‘male pattern baldness’, which despite its name, can affect women as well as men. This is a problem that requires sympathetic handling, and a qualified Trichologist has to understand the patient’s anxiety and help him come to terms with the loss of hair. Suffering from this condition can be helped with medical assistance. 

There are many other types of hair loss which can respond to treatment. There are also some types of hair loss which can have a natural or spontaneous recovery. Excessive hair loss can often be a symptom of some other problem or variation in the metabolism of the body and for this reason, co-operation between the patient and the doctor is often necessary. 

Androgenetic Alopecia 

Androgenetic Alopecia is the most common type of hair loss, affecting almost 80% of men in a lifetime commonly known as male pattern hair loss or female pattern hair loss, Androgenetic Alopecia is hereditary but can be managed with advanced treatments. 

Male Pattern Hair Loss  

In men, hair loss can begin any time after puberty and progress over the course of years or decades. It starts above the temples and continues around the perimeter and the top of the head, often leaving a ring of hair along the bottom of the scalp. Many men with male pattern hair loss eventually become bald. 

Female Pattern Hair Loss

In women, the hair slowly thins at the Crownal part, then slowly affects all over the scalp, but the hairline usually doesn’t recede. Many women experience this type of hair loss as a natural part of aging, although hair loss may begin any time after puberty. Female pattern hair loss can cause hair to thin dramatically, but only rarely does it lead to baldness.

Telogen Effluvium

Telogen effluvium, a type of hair loss, occurs when large numbers of follicles on the scalp enter the falling phase of the hair growth cycle called telogen, but the next growth phase doesn’t begin. This causes hair to fall out all over the scalp without new hair growth.

Telogen effluvium does not generally lead to complete baldness, although you may lose 300 to 500 hairs per day, and hair may appear thin, especially at the crown and temples.

A medical event or condition, such as a thyroid imbalance, childbirth, surgery, fever, vitamin or mineral deficiency—iron deficiency, typically triggers this type of hair loss.

Telogen effluvium usually begins three months after a medical event. If the triggering event is temporary—for example, if you recover from an illness or stop taking the medication causing the hair loss—your hair may grow back after six months. Telogen effluvium is considered chronic if hair loss lasts longer than six months. For reasons that are unclear to doctors, this type of hair loss may last for years in some people. If hair doesn’t regrow on its own, our doctors can offer treatments that can help.

Anagen Effluvium

Anagen effluvium is rapid hair loss resulting from medical treatment, such as chemotherapy. These potent and fast-acting medications kill cancer cells, but they may also shut down hair follicle production in the scalp and other parts of the body. After chemotherapy ends, hair usually grows back on its own. Doctors can offer treatments to help hair grow back more quickly.

Alopecia Areata

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune condition, which means the body’s immune system attacks healthy tissues, including the hair follicles. This causes hair to fall out and prevents new hair from growing.

This condition can affect adults and children, and hair loss can begin suddenly and without warning. Hair from the scalp typically falls out in small patches and is not painful. Hair in other parts of the body, including the eyebrows and eyelashes, may also fall out. Over time, this disease may lead to Alopecia Totalis or complete hair loss. Doctors treat Alopecia Areata with treatments that may help hair regrow.

Hair Shaft Abnormalities

Several types of hair shaft abnormalities can lead to hair loss. These conditions cause strands of hair to thin and weaken, making them vulnerable to breaking. The hair loss doesn’t occur in the follicle but as a result of a break somewhere along the hair shaft, which is the visible part of a hair strand. This can result in overall thinning, as well as in many small, brittle hairs.

Making simple changes to the way you style and treat your hair can reverse some hair shaft abnormalities. Other conditions may require medical intervention.

Loose Anagen Syndrome

Loose Anagen syndrome, which most commonly presents in young children, occurs when hair that is not firmly rooted in the follicle can be pulled out easily. Most of the time, hair falls out after it has reached an arbitrary maximum length. Children with loose anagen syndrome often cannot grow hair beyond a relatively short length. The condition more commonly affects girls with blond or brown hair.

In people who have loose Anagen syndrome, hair can fall out easily—even when it’s growing. For example, hair loss may accelerate overnight because of the friction of a pillow. The cause of loose Anagen syndrome is unknown, though it may be related to a disorder in the hair growth cycle that prevents hair from staying in the follicle.

There are few reliable treatments, but the condition tends to improve greatly with puberty, and some treatments may result in fuller hair.


People with Trichotillomania pull their hair out and find it difficult to stop. This results in hair loss on the scalp or elsewhere on the body. Hair often returns if the behavior is stopped, but hair loss can be permanent if the pulling continues for many years.

The best treatment for this condition may be psychological counseling about causes of this condition and why you feel the urge to pull your hair.

Traction Alopecia

Some hairstyles, including tight ponytails and braids, pull hair away from the scalp with such force that hair strands are damaged and fall out. Unless the hairstyle is changed, traction Alopecia may lead to thinning hair or bald spots. Most of the time hair regrows after you alter the hairstyle.

Causes of Hair Loss

Hair loss can appear in many different ways, depending on what's causing it. It can come on suddenly or gradually and affect just your scalp or your whole body. Some types of hair loss are temporary, and others are permanent.

Understanding what is Hair fall vs Hair loss? 

At very first, people in this modern society should understand that there is huge difference between hair fall and hair loss. Hair fall is just a common thing that we all known on average people shed about 100 hairs a day, which does not cause noticeable thinning of scalp because new hair is growing in at the same time. Excessive amount of hair fall can cause hair loss. It is a known fact that many men and women experiences hair loss at various stages in their lives, Due to inevitable reasons like Hormonal changes, poor nutrition and scalp damage which lead to the hair loss, stress levels, lifestyle, environmental or other major factor to be considered is family history or heredity. 

Signs and symptoms of hair loss may include: 

Gradual thinning on top of head: This is the most common type of hair loss, affecting both men and women as they age. In men, hair often begins to recede from the forehead in a line that resembles the letter M. Women typically retain the hairline on the forehead but have a broadening of the part in their hair.

Circular or patchy bald spots: Some people experience smooth, coin-sized bald spots. This type of hair loss usually affects just the scalp, but it sometimes also occurs in beards or eyebrows. In some cases, your skin may become itchy or painful before the hair falls out. 

Sudden loosening of hair: A physical or emotional shock can cause hair to loosen. Handfuls of hair may come out when combing or washing your hair or even after gentle tugging. This type of hair loss usually causes overall hair thinning and not bald patches. 

Full-body hair loss: Some conditions and medical treatments, such as chemotherapy for cancer, can result in the loss of hair all over your body. The hair usually grows back. 

Patches of scaling that spread over the scalp: This is a sign of ringworm. It may be accompanied by broken hair, redness, swelling and, at times, oozing. 

Obviously it is not the end of the world, as we will give you tips to address your hair loss issue. First of all, it would help greatly if one must acknowledge the problem by humbly asking for help from experts and listening to their wise advice. The following may be very significant to help you start solving this problem. 

To regain one’s own self it is better to visit your near by VCare clinics instead of getting self-treatment. 

When a hair falls out, it will usually re-grow. It can do this up to 20 times in a lifetime.

Hair Loss in Men

While women freak out more than men due to hair loss, they lose lesser hair compared to men. just notice which gender is more associated with bald heads – the male species

A bald head does not look good on everyone, yes of course it plays a vital role in one’s confidence, hair loss in men has become a common thing nowadays it affects widely due to some undeniable factors, that doesn’t mean one will never regain his hair which takes a gut to take proper safety measures. 

Hair loss treatment for men helps to regain their confidence, attitude, and self-esteem. Men hair loss starts at some point in the twenties, but it typically takes 15-25 years to go bald. Half of the fifty-year-old is quite bald. Almost all hair loss in guys results from male-pattern baldness, a genetic trait that comes from your parents. Other causes include certain medications, not enough protein and nutrients. Illness or stress can lead to sudden hair loss, hereditary or an unhealthy diet, heavy shedding called Telogen Effluvium. 

Most men feel a momentary loss of confidence when they realize they are losing hair but this is often overcome quickly. The only way to ensure you won’t suffer psychological problems is to face up to the realities of baldness and either accept it or seek treatment that works for you. Lastly, when the hair loss is now permanent, and that the hair has been totally damaged, do not lose hope. Develop a positive mental attitude as the hair is only an outside appearance, little that damages the inner core of your personality. You may enhance other aspects of your body such as obtaining healthy muscles out from a regular exercise. 

You must learn to not take these negatively but as a chance for you to develop a healthy self-concept that is not threatened by the opinion of others. But since worst scenarios can be prevented, do not delay such necessary VCare provides medical treatments for your hair for a better well-being, away from the criticism of others. 

Men might be from Mars, and women from Venus, But there is absolutely no difference between male and female hair in terms of growth cycle and structure.  

Hair Loss in Women 

Hair shedding is a part of everyday life, yes it clogs up your shower drain, and yes, it means you have to vacuum every other day or your carpet turns into a hairy rug... But the fact is hair loss is totally normal. On average we lose around 100 strands a day, if you begin to shed significantly more than that or you notice they aren't growing back, well, that's when things start to get a bit hairy.

The thing is, when it comes to hair loss there are so many potential triggers, which means it can be tricky to pinpoint the exact reason why your strands are falling out, and henceforth, how to remedy the situation. Hair loss treatment for women helps to regain their confidence, attractiveness and self esteem.The most common cause of hair loss is hormonal. Changes in hormonal levels during thyroid conditions, pregnancy, and menopause, can result in temporary hair loss among women. When the production of estrogen decreased, the changes in the body can result in hair loss. For example, in case of women after child birth, her hormones enter into a resting phase. Usually during the period of 3-6 months after delivery, women experience increase in hair loss. Such a hair loss is temporary and generally subsides after a period of twelve months.  

What is the relationship between hair loss in women and menopause? 

During menopause, you might see one of two things happen with your hair. You might start growing hair where you did not have it before. Or, you might see the hair you have start to thin. The other causes of hair loss are harmful hair care techniques, illness, stress, hereditary or an unhealthy diet. 

Your healthcare provider will do a thorough examination and take a detailed history to help you deal with changes in hair growth. You may be directed to have your iron levels or thyroid hormone levels tested. Your medications might be changed if what you take is found to affect hair loss or growth. 

"Do not panic, and free yourself from worries." 

All of the hair follicles in the human body are formed by the time we are just five months old in the womb.

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