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Websites Broken Link Checker - Seo Backlink Tools


Why do SEOs use websites broken link checker when optimizing websites? The reason for this is that websites over time may have broken links, dead links or link rot. SEOs must examine all aspects of the website they are optimizing and managing. Maintaining links is an essential function of SEOs.

There are several tools freely available on the internet that SEOs and webmasters can use to check the links to a website. Try websites-broken-link-checker to check the broken links on your website. This free validation tool only reports the broken links and does not present a mixed bag of working and broken links. It only reports each broken link's URL only once. This makes it easier for webmasters to fix the link issue.


You as the webmaster may not know that your website has broken or dead links as you could be managing a website that has hundreds of pages and thousands of links. It's only when visitor reports getting a link error that you come to know that there's something with your website.

Typically a visitor reads on content on your website and comes across a link that is worth visiting. However, when he or she clicks on the link a 404 Error is returned. An experienced user will know that the error is indicating a broken link. But all website users are not experienced users. When they see this error, the first thought that will cross their mind is that the problem is at their end. They will check their modem and may reboot their computer. Mobile users will just return to the previous page and leave your site.

Bad links are not just annoying for customers - they can harm your business as well as your reputation on the internet. Remember social media is a double-edged sword. Both good and bad news travels fast.

Because of bad links, the impact on a website may be:

Loose some of your existing customers as encountering bad links will frustrate them and cause them to stop visiting your site

Damage your reputation on the internet as bad links sends a negative signal to you not caring for your customers

Discourage new visitors from visiting your site which in turn means prospective traffic lost

Your website's ranking and rating with Google and other search engines will drop.


A broken link occurs when a page from your website refers to a page on another website and when a visitor clicks on it a 404 error occurs. There can be two causes for this error occurring:

Your website has the wrong URL address for the linked site

The destination website has removed the linked webpage.

A dead link can occur if the linked website is temporarily down or the linked website has been moved or the linked webpage no longer exists.

Link rot refers to the process when websites try to locate web pages on web sites that have been permanently removed.


The internet continues to grow and change. This recurring phenomenon is making it harder and harder for SEOs and webmasters to keep a continuous track of changes and their impact on their managed websites. For example if you are dependent on your links to other websites to keep your website traffic active and involved. You have to keep a track of invalid hyperlinks and remove them. The last thing you want is your customers getting angry and frustrated.

Therefore, periodically you must clean out the dead wood from your site. Unfortunately there is no way as yet where search engines keep track of moving pages, websites. Neither are there any SEO tools to keep track of moving pages, renaming pages, pages getting removed by website masters. Visitors are going to keep getting 404 and other similar errors when searching for web pages.

Modern content management systems can aggravate the problem more by replicating the dead links across multiple sites. This can become increasingly frustrating for site visitors as they are left clueless about how to resolve the issue. These issues occur on internal links.

With outbound links the situation is worse. A website master or owner is not obligated to announce any changes being made to the website. The website server may be down temporarily, the page titles may be renamed, the pages may be removed permanently, or domain names are not renewed or sold.

As you have no control over these issues, the only steps you can take is to perform regular checks on your website links and fix the errors.

There are a number of freely available tools that you can use when you type in websites broken link checker in the search browser. This will return a number of websites broken link checker sites. You can use anyone and get information on broken, dead hyperlinks. If you have developed your site in WordPress you can use broken link checker WordPress also in search engines you can use Google broken link checker. It would also be a good idea to check links for viruses. Worse than broken links is finding out that your website has been infected by a virus.


Since you have no control over the environment in which you operate. It's virtually impossible for you to tell when a link becomes dead. Also the exact text which caused the link to die is hard to detect. For your purposes of cleaning the dead links or broken links you need to know the link which is broken and the text from your page that’s linking to it.

This is where application websites-broken-link-checker will be very handy. Using this app, you will know not only the URL address of the broken link but will also tell you the text and page on your website that has a hyperlink to this URL.

If it’s a relevant and authority site it might be down temporarily for maintenance. However, if it doesn't come back up after a while ping the domain or visit the site. If the site is working you should discover the reason for the hyperlink being down and you can fix it on your end.

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