We all know that Adobe Acrobat has been, and is the easiest way to share documents with the world. But why?
The reason why it is safe is it offers various security features to protect the information contained in a PDF (Portable Document Format). There can be many reasons to why one wants to alter the information the PDF file carries. So, to protect it from being modified, copied or printed, Adobe offered a service to protect your files with a password. No one can open the file unless that person knows the password or if you choose to open it for others.
PDF files may occupy more space than required but if security is the concern then who cares about the storage. Right?!
Websites mostly use PDF files because of this precise reason, if a writer or an artist wants to publish their piece of work over the internet. PDF is the most secure way as no one can edit the file because in a PDF format you cannot copy any text or modify an image. Even if you try to, the resolution of the picture will not remain the same, making it go all blurry. So, if you are worried about your documents, files that contain significant data, you should move all of it to a PDF file with our word to pdf converter available in our free SEO tools.
PDF files are portable; you can carry these files to any part of the world, and despite the operating system being used this file type can be viewed in any computer, tablet and smartphone. You don’t have to worry about converting the file to PDF as SER’s word to pdf converter online will take care of it for you.
Just a tip: If your docs are containing even more sensitive data, lock PDF and it will be more secure. This layer of security can be removed with the help of unlock PDF tool.
Photographers, designers of all sorts use this specific file format, because it not only helps to save their images but also protects them from being edited. The web designers usually use this format to deliver the final front-end project to developers.
Architects use PDF files to show their work to the people.
Photographers use this format to publish images over the internet.
Writers mostly use PDF files to add their Word documents to get it printed in the way they want. The most incredible thing about a PDF file is you can add as many images as you want in one single file.Writers mostly use PDF files to add their Word documents to get it printed in the way they want. The most incredible thing about a PDF file is you can add as many images as you want in one single file.
Which is why no matter what your Word document holds you can convert docx to PDF, saving your time from downloading Adobe Acrobat and learning how to convert Word to PDF.
Tip for Graphic designers and photographers: Want your images to be sorted occupying less space? Change their file format. Convert JPG to PDF and get many images at a single place. Don’t worry its not difficult to convert PDF to JPG, when needed. It can be done in just a flash.
The first one is it is a lossy format, and therefore the information saved in this document cannot stay in its original form when compressed. In short, content delivery is way less accurate.
As Microsoft Word is only used for editing Document type files, and because of this the data contained in the file can easily be copied and pasted anywhere.
This file type offers no security, and even if you still want to try securing the document, then there are various file lockers available. The condition is the end user should also have this file locker to unlock file otherwise that person can never view the document.
You cannot add many files to this file type because it doesn’t support all the formats.
You need a Word reader software to edit and view in a mobile device.
So why not convert Word doc to PDF?
BENEFITS OF A Word to PDF online
PDFs are omnipresent: You can edit a Word file easily, but if you try saving a word document on a Mac, there’s a possibility that you won’t be able to view the file as it is, whereas All types of devices support PDFs.
Security a bother: All the professionals out there prefer this file format for this very reason. If you are an attorney, you would prefer saving your files in a PDF format because even if someone tries to breach the password, that person won’t do it without leaving a trace.
Accessibility: Today PDFs are accessible by all multimedia devices; therefore, you don’t have to download any software to view these files.
Creative Documents: Now you can add as many types of files you want, which includes hyperlinks, videos, music, presentations into a single PDF file.
Can be created easily: If you think it is not easy to convert or create a file in PDF then let us be of some help, let us convert Word file to PDF and PDF to word for you. We offer you online pdf converter.
Just a tip: Having too many docs? Combine them with PDF joiner. Don’t forget to remove the extra pages. Split PDF can remove all the extras from your file.
It has never been this easy to convert document to PDF, all you have to do is follow a few simple steps, and your Word document will be converted with our free Word to PDF converter tool in no time.
You do not have to worry about your data as our automated online PDF converter only converts the doc to PDF and doesn’t keep any sort of information related to the document. We aim to provide you with free PDF tools including text to PDF, Rotate PDF and much more.
8A, 1 , Yanaikkal St, , Simmakkal , Yanaikkal , Madurai - 625001 , Tamil Nadu , India
34, Laxman Estate , Vastral Road , Near Revabhai Estate , Amraiwadi , Ahmedabad - 380026 , Gujarat , India
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10 Liberty St , Massachusetts , Danvers , Danvers , Dukes - 01923 , Massachusetts , United States of America
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20 , - , Deer Park , Old Course Crescent , Melbourne - 3023 , Victoria , Australia
Science City, Ahmedabad , Science City, Ahmedabad , Ahmedabad , Ahmedabad , Ahmedabad - 380060 , Gujarat , India
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G-401 , Dharti Crystal , IOC-Tragad Road , Opp. Chandkheda Railway Station , Chandkheda , Ahmedabad - 382424 , Gujarat , India
B414-Shlok Infinity , Crossroads , Nr Gota SG Highway , - , Ahmedabad - 380081 , Gujarat , India
N Ranga Rao & Sons Pvt Ltd (Ripple Division) , NR House , 1553 Vanivilasa Road , 1553 , Mysuru - 570004 , Karnataka , India